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1965年3月出生,男,汉族,河北省滦南县人。理学博士,河北师范大学数学与信息科学学院教授、博士生导师。 1985年7月毕业于河北师范大学数学系,留校任教至今。现主要从事代数与代数组合、优化设计的研究工作。在国内外学术期刊发表学术论文40余篇,其中10余篇被SCI收录,获得国内外同行好评, 被聘为著名期刊美国《数学评论》评论员。主持、参与国家、省自然科学基金项目多项。在教学方面,担任高等代数、近世代数、初等数论、概率论与数理统计、数学模型、数学实验等本科课程的教学,组织指导我校大学生参加全国大学生数学建模竞赛活动并获得全国以及河北赛区奖多项。曾任河北省现场统计学会秘书长、河北省青年科技工作者协会常务理事、石家庄数学学会秘书长,现任河北省运筹学会副理事长。
1. 2001-2003,结合方案与距离正则图的构作,河北师范大学,主持。
2. 2004-2007,某些著名算子变形的逼近性质研究(L2004B04),河北师范大学博士科研课题,主持。
3. 2004-2006,拟中插式的逼近及有关问题的研究(A2004000137),河北省自然科学基金,主研。
4. 2005-2007,距离正则图与环在图中的应用(A2005000141),河北省自然科学基金,主研。
5. 2006-2008,拟中插式及Bezier型算子的逼近研究(10571040),国家自然科学基金,主研。
6. 2008-2010,局部环上的矩阵分类及应用(2007127),河北省教育厅自然科学基金,主持。
7. 2009-2011,与有限几何相关的图的问题(A2009000253),河北省自然科学基金主持。
8. 2013-2015,关于pooling设计的若干问题研究(A2013205073),河北省自然科学基金,主持。
9. 2014 -2017,混合相交阵列及相关问题研究(11371121),国家自然科学基金,主研。
1. Difference systems of sets based on cosets partitions, Acta Mathematica Sinica, English Series, 29(2013), 2261-2272. (SCI, with H. Wang)
2. Arrangement problem on the subsapace of the unitary space and $d^{z}-disjunct $ matrix with correction capability, (in Chinese), Acta Mathematica Sinica, 55(2012), 385-404.(with X. Cao)
3. An arrangement problem of subspaces of symplectic space and Tighter bound of an error-tolerant pooling design, (in Chinese), Acta Mathematica Scientia, 32(2012), 414-423.(with X. Zhao, L. Li)
4. New pooling design constructed with pseudo-symplectic space, Chinese Quarterly Journal of Mathematics, 27(2012), 526-534. (with X. Zhao, N. Xu)
5. The discussion on characteristics of a $d^z- $ disjunct matrix,Mathematica Applicata,23(2010), 675-681. (with L. Li)
6. A construction of $d^{z}-disjunct $ matrices by orthogonal space and discussion on their design parameters, Discrete Mathematics,309:20(2009), 6026-6034. (SCI, with Y. Yang, X. Zhao)
7. The arrangement of subspaces in the orthogonal spaces and tighter analysis of an error-tolerant pooling design,Journal of Combinatorial Optimization,20:2(2010), 142-160. (SCI, with Y. Yang)
8. Error-correcting pooling designs associated with the dual space of unitary space and ratio efficiency comparison,Journal of Combinatorial Optimization, 18:1(2009), 51-63. (SCI, with X. Sun, B. Li)
9. Strong converse inequality for left Bernstein quasi-interpolants, Applied Mathematics Letters, 22(2009),175-181. (SCI, with S. Guo, Q. Qi, L. Liu)
10. Lattices generated by joins of elements in orbits of subspaces under finite unitary groups (in Chinese), Acta Mathematica Scientia, 29:3(2009), 757-763.. (with J. Guo, J. Zhang)
11. Pointwise Approximation by Szasz-Mirakian Quasi-Interpolants. Journal of Mathematical Research and Exposition, 29:4(2009), 629-638.(with G. Guo, L. Liu)
12. A Construction of $d^{z}-disjunct $ matrices with certain constant weights in a dual space of symplectic Space,Discrete Applied Mathematics,156:12(2008), 2400-2406. (SCI, with B. Li, X. Sun)
13. Representations of the Enveloping Algebra of the Witt Algebra (in Chinese), Advances in Mathematics, 36:2(2007),207-214, (with Z. Zhang, X. Guo)
14. Pointwise weight approximation by left Gamma quasi—interpolants. Journal of Computational Analysis and Applications,7:1 (2005), 71-80. (SCI, with S. Guo, Q. Qi, L. Liu)
15. Approximation equivalence theorem of Sz\`{a}sz-Mirakian Kantorovich quasi-interpolants (in Chinese), Chinese Annals of Mathematics,26A:1 (2005), 7-18. (with S. Guo, L. Liu). The English translation of this paper have been published in Chinese Journal of Contemporary Mathematics, 26:1 (2005), 9-20.
16. Approximation by Bernstein –Durrmeyer quasi—interpolants(in Chinese), Acta Mathematica Sinica, 48:4(2005),681-692,(with with S. Guo, Q. Qi, L. Liu)
17. Strong converse inequality for left Gamma quasi-interpolants in $L_p $ Spaces, Acta Mathematica Hungarica,105 (1-2): 2004, 17-26. (SCI, with S. Guo, Q. Qi)
18. The association schemes of a kind of 2-dimensional subspaces of pseudo-symplectic space F_q^{(2v+2+l)} and its structure (in Chinese), Acta Mathematica Scientia, 24(2004), 409-419.
19. A note on distance-regular graph with girth 3, Ars Combin.71 (2004), 187-193, (SCI, with K. Wang)
20. Simultaneous approximation for Baskakov-type operators (in Chinese), Numerical Mathematics a Journal of Chinese Universities, 25:4(2003), 303-316. (with S. Guo, G. Lv)
21. Pointwise weighted approximation by Bernstein operators, Acta Mathematica Hungarica, 101:4(2003),293-311. (SCI, with S. Guo, H. Tong)
22. Pointwise approximation by Bernstein quasi—interpolants, Numberical Functional Analysis and Optimization, 24:.3&4(2003), 339-349. (SCI, with S. Guo, Q. Qi, L. Liu).
23. Representation of the two parameter deformation of the Virasoro algebra, Acta Mathematica Scientia, 23B:3(2003), 309-315. (SCI, with Z. Zhang, Y. Jia)
24. Geometric construction of association schemes from Hermitian varieties in a finite projective space (in Chinese), Journal of Systems Sciences and Mathematical Sciences,23:3(2003), 289-294, , (with K. Wang).
25. A directed version of Deza graphs-Deza digraphs, Australasian Journal of Combinatorics, 28(2003), 239-244, (with K. Wang)
26. Some results on 2-homogenous graphs, Australasian Journal of Combinatorics, 27 (2003), 169-174, (with K. Wang)
27. New simple infinite dimensional Lie algebras related to those of generalized Cartan type K Lie algebras, Journal of Systems Sciences and Mathematical Sciences,23:1(2003), 86-93. (with Z. Zhang, Y. Jia).
28. An anzahl theorem in singular pseudo-symplectic geometry over finite fields, Acta Mathematica and scientia, 22B:1(2002), 72-78. (SCI, with K. Wang, H. Wei)
29. Stechkin-Marchaud-type inequalities for Baskakov polynomials. Journal of Approximation Theory, 114: 1(2002 ), 33-47.(SCI, with S.Guo, H. Tong)
30. Geometric construction of association schemes from conics in a projective plane (in Chinese), Journal of Systems Sciences and Mathematical Sciences, 21:3(2001), 283-286, (with K. Wang).
31. Pointwise estimate for Baskakov operators. Northeast. Math. J. , 17:2(2001), 133-137. (with S. Guo , C. Li)
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